21-22 May 2025

For TTCS & EA Instructors, and Prospective Instructors


Knowing and embodying neigong in its various forms is one aspect of being a good teacher. But there are two other threads that are critical in order to share the Water Method teachings with integrity:

  • The willingness to teach and help others.

  • The ability to teach well.

The willingness to teach and support others in their training must come from inside yourself, which is a highly personal decision.

However, the ability to teach can be honed and developed over time, if you have the willingness to teach and skill with the material you’re teaching. For this reason, this two-day course will focus on developing your skill set with neigong and how to responsibly pass on the teachings.


Teaching is not limited to being able to demonstrate and explain what you want your students to do, but also requires other skills that are not necessarily obvious.

Observation — seeing

  • The ability to see what your students are doing, both on the outside and inside.

  • To see what content is alive in any given student’s forms and what is missing.

  • To see what is holding a student back, their lynchpin, in order to address it and propel them forwards.

Hands-on Corrections

  • How to put your hands on a student and the quality of your touch/adjustments.

  • Whether a yin or a yang correction is most appropriate.

  • How to help a student relax and let go under your touch.

  • How to release parts of a student’s body/energy other than those on which you place your hands.

Energy Influence

  • Sensitising yourself and opening up your awareness to feel another person’s qi.

  • Understanding how the qi of others affects your qi and actions.

  • How to adjust your approach to initiate the ideal energetic response in your student.

We will cover aspects of these topics, along with others, such as how to build a course and arrange the content of a course, to help you create effective Water Method trainings, and initiate positive changes in your students.


There are limited places to be assessed for those who attended the 2024 Taoist Neigong and Yang Style Tai Chi and/or 2022 Foundational Qigong Instructor Trainings for teacher certification or to upgrade their levels.

If you have the intent to test, please email us no later than 2 April 2025, so we can make plans to accommodate you. We will not be able to accommodate requests made after this date.


You must know at least one of our foundational qigong forms, e.g.:

  • Foundational Qigong;

  • Taoist Neigong;

  • Dragon & Tiger Medical Qigong;

  • Energy Gates Qigong; OR

  • Heaven & Earth Qigong.


Please note that this event will be video recorded (although not live streamed) for the purposes of teacher education.

Qigong & Tai Chi
Instructors/Prospective Instructors

New students/prospective instructors are welcome to join us, but please note that you will not have the opportunity to certify in this training.

TTCS teachers, teacher-trainees and prospective teachers will receive 9.5 hours training credit for this two-day seminar towards prerequisite in-person neigong and teaching skills training hours.

For more info, or if you would like to join my TTCS teacher mentorship programme, see complete details:



21-22 May 2025

This seminar follows Gods Playing in the Clouds Qigong

Wednesday at 10:30 am

10:45 am-5:00 pm

10:30 am-4:45 pm

(90-minute lunch)

9.5 hours training


The Tai Chi Space
1-2 Leeds Place
Tollington Park
Finsbury Park
London N4 3RF

Finsbury Park and Crouch Hill Stations:
Victoria and Piccadilly Lines, and London Overground
Plan your TFL journey

Sharing Accommodation and Rideshare:
Review and post offers and requests




Pay in USD or Euro — subject to currency exchange rate changes:
295 €

Bank Transfer
Use the payment button below to pay by card/Apple Pay in US dollars, or download bank details:

Please send us an email with your name and email for payments via bank, and we’ll confirm your place with a paid invoice within three business days.

See training policies


Book with payment to reserve your place:

2025 Instructor Upgrade (London)
from $325.00

2-day Instructor Upgrade Seminar, 21-22 May
(Option to add 4-day Gods Retreat, 17-20 May)

Check your spam folder if you do not immediately receive a payment receipt via email.