Why & How to Learn Medical Qigong


Systematically build and refine your medical qigong practice with step-by-step instructions and guided practices to feel, grow and develop your qi. Qigong is altogether different to modern exercise as a relaxation-based — rather than tension-based — exercise method, which targets the energy or qi of the body.

You do not need to feel your qi to gain benefit from practising qigong, especially in the beginning, but eventually it’s a necessary aspect of energy arts training to go beyond the basics and experience more profound health benefits.

The problem is: Many practitioners — even those who train for years — don’t really feel or access their qi. I designed my medical qigong programme to specifically help you tune into, feel and direct your qi.

When I began to gain control over my qi, I experienced a total transformation in my body, qi and mind — a profound jump in the quality of my practice, and the stamina and tenacity I had to train. My skill set took off and the depths of neigong opened up for me from there. For going on 30 years, I’ve watched students experience similar transformations and now I’d like to share with you the methodology to achieve these results too.

Learn Dragon & Tiger Medical Qigong

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