Manifest the Energies of
Peng, Ji, Lu and An



Paul offers step-by-step instructions on each move while explaining in-depth how the energies of peng, ji, lu and an manifest and intertwine to create the art of tai chi.

The Yang form that he teaches is derived from that of Yang Cheng Fu, a direct descendant of the Yang family, as he considers it to be a superb balance between ease of learning and depth of internals, making it a practice well-suited to the spectrum of practitioners, from beginners to highly experienced stylists.

Learn the Yang style in progressive stages as it suits your training needs:

  • Learn the Yang Style Mini Form in months 1-3 for new students and beginners.

  • Learn the Yang Style Short Form in months 4-10 for an immersion in a truly internal tai chi form.

  • Learn the Yang Style Medium Form in months 11-20 to develop the four primary energies of tai chi.

  • Learn Tai Chi’s Opposition Openings and Closings in months 21-24 to bring alive the yin neigong that manifest the essence of tai chi in body, mind and qi.


The internal techniques Paul teaches conform to all the principles of the16 neigong system as directly taught to him by his primary teacher, Taoist lineage holder Bruce Frantzis, in 35 years of private and public tuition.

He teaches the choreography of the First Section of the Yang Style Long Form (up to Cross Hands) as an efficient and effective Short Form and the Second Section of the Long Form (up to Cloud Hands) as a superb Medium Form for opening up, healing and regenerating the body.

Follow along as Paul repeats the movements learned in the Yang style classes, so you can link postures into fluid forms. Embedding the choreography deep within your body-mind is what generates the flow and rhythm of tai chi.

“I’m 78 and have had some difficult physical challenges in the past few years. Your teachings help me beyond measure. For me, you make complex, sometimes seemingly impossible, concepts accessible. Your calm, stable presence is always inspiring and supportive”.  — H.H.


Along with the choreography, Paul covers in-depth the sequence of the four primary energies (peng, ji, lu and an) which underpins and drives all tai chi forms.

Topics covered with the purpose of generating the deep connections in the body necessary to practise tai chi well are:

  • Bend-and-Stretch Techniques — that which is responsible for generating an internal practice by breaking habitual tension responses in the muscle groups and re-training the nerves to use smooth, circular, relaxed motion.

  • Open-and-Close Techniques — which are responsible for increasing the depth of internal practice and generate a soft, relaxed body and mind. “Pulsing” techniques, as they are also known, open the doorway to the realms of qi.

  • The Four Primary Energiespeng, ji, lu and an which produce the flavour, quality and effectiveness of tai chi by separating and combining yin and yang energies.

  • Deep Energetics to Bring Alive the Relevant Six Snakes — which serve to generate deeper connections and energetic flows within the body during tai chi practice. The Six Snakes are covered in-depth in his Taoist Neigong programme (Part 2).


As an essential aspect of Water Method training, my Taoist Breathing and Meditation series is available to stream 24/7.

Follow along to 23 guided practices to learn and practise whole-body breathing and the Dissolving process.


Post feedback and questions for Paul. He answers training questions at least 1 x week.


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  • Yang Style Mini Form (months 1-3); or

  • Yang Style Short Form (months 1-10).

Access to continue on to month 4 (Yang Short Form) or month 11 (Yang Medium Form), as applicable, is unlocked once you access the previous lessons in the sequence.

No refunds are permitted for online courses. See our complete training policies.


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Yang Style Mini Form

You will receive instant access to stream and download:

6 × 30-minute classes
3 x follow-along practices

Yang Style Short Form

You will receive instant access to stream and download:

20 × 30-minute classes
10 x follow-along practices

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Pay via Bank Transfer

$97 Yang Mini Form
$350 Yang Short Form
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